Trade Marketing for tourist actors & destinations

We engage producers and distributors by your side in order to sustain your presence on the market with sales and marketing actions!


Trade marketing / Media plan / Sales

Our industry is driven by tourism professionals who constitute an undeniable added value in the process of purchasing a trip. The competition is strong and it is important to make the difference to be sold!

We are specialized in the representation of destinations, incoming agencies and tour operators thanks to our Trade marketing division.

This division supports you in your commercial efforts to gain notoriety among professionals, share your sales arguments and increase your turnover. The objective is to identify the innovative action plan that will lead to the best return on investment for increased awareness of your brand.


We receive your request, your needs, the target to be reached and analyze it in detail.


We offer you the best solutions for effective communications with your B2B target.

The operational

We work on your B2B communication campaigns, targeting travel agencies and tour operators.


We provide you with a campaign report, including an overview of your objectives and the results achieved.

Possible collaborations

We support brands in different ways, depending on their needs. You can choose between a wide range of possible collaborations to optimize your brand presence on social networks.

  • Strategy development: We help you create a communication plan to reach your priority target audiences and tourism professionals.
  • Newsletter Campaigns: We use our newsletter databases to reach travel agencies and industry professionals to maximize your chances of growing your client portfolio.
  • Events: We organize your events in order to reach your B2B target audience in the tourism industry, which includes the organization of receptions, roadshows, workshops and other events.
  • Auctions: We can organize auctions with travel agencies to boost your sales. We provide a ready-to-use ecosystem for sales including a landing page, registration management and performance monitoring.
  • Eductours: We organize Eductours for industry agencies and tour operators so that they can discover all that your destination or your brand has to offer.
  • Representation: Our industry expertise helps us represent you in the tourism market and improve your communication and business tools to increase your visibility and introduce you to your new travellers.
  • Media plan: We negotiate the purchase of tourist media space in order to increase your visibility and your interest for tourism professionals.
  • Training: We offer solutions to provide tourism professionals with training courses to learn more about your destination and your products.
  • Digital communication: We manage your digital communication to improve your visibility with B2B and B2C audiences on social networks.

Influencer Marketing: We create and manage operations run by influencers, bloggers and content creators for B2B and B2C networks.

All the services

Communication agency specializing in tourism, we are the link between tourism professionals and travelers.

Content creation for travel

We enhance your brand and your digital communication campaigns with video & photo content that will engage and viralize your speeches!