Travel social networks & sponsored campaigns

We activate sponsored campaigns to guarantee your visibility, your notoriety and your virality on social networks! Our campaigns generate traffic and customer records!


Social Media Tourism / Sponsored Campaigns

Social media tourism communication agency: travel agency, tour operators, destinations…

Digital Strategy

We create your digital strategy with you in order to set up an action plan over a fixed period. Each digital strategy is tailor-made according to your budget, your objective and your target. Let’s talk about it together between tourism professionals and travel enthusiasts!

Social Media / Community Management

We create your strategic planning and the editorial and visual publications to publish on your social networks. We moderate your social networks by ensuring the community management of your accounts on a daily basis in order to develop, engage and retain your community. At the same time, we produce monthly social media reports to follow the evolution of your audiences, your sales and the performance of publications.

Sponsored Campaigns

We can carry out sponsored campaigns on different social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or Youtube in order to reach your prospects as quickly and efficiently as possible. We determine together the budget and the duration of each campaign as well as the storytelling in order to ensure an optimal return on investment. Depending on your goals, we can, in addition to your social media, work with influencers.


We advise you and design together the storytelling of your digital strategy in order to tell fascinating stories to your customers.

Graphic Creations

In order to sublimate your digital communication, we create graphic designs for you adapted to social networks: posts, videos, motion design, photos…

Management & Animation

We manage and animate your social networks: publication of posts, management of sponsored campaigns, moderation of comments, exchanges with your community.


We analyze all social media campaigns and optimize them alongside you to achieve your goals.

Possible collaborations


Together we define a strategy and manage all of your social networks for you, from the production of editorial and audiovisual content, to community management to the management of sponsored campaigns. Each client is accompanied by a social media project manager with whom he exchanges on a daily basis.


A project manager can accompany a member of your team in the animation of your social networks. This collaboration allows you to have the support of a social media expert and to benefit from advice and assistance on a daily basis and according to your needs.

Special operations

Would you like the help of an expert team in digital communication for a special communication operation? We can also intervene in one-shot.

Auditing and Benchmarking

Do you want to know how your brand is positioned on social networks compared to your competitors? Thanks to our powerful analysis tools, we can provide you with a detailed report of your strengths and weaknesses and thus provide you with recommendations.


Do you want to train your teams in social media applied to tourism? We can intervene by offering you training adapted to the level of your employees.


We carry out your contests for you and optimize them to develop their visibility as well as the commitment of your operation.

Communicate on Tourism Social Networks

Communicate on social networks for your travel agency:
the essential of the 21st century.

It is better to avoid wanting to put a finger too quickly on digital when a large majority of your turnover may depend on it.
If today you are still far too skeptical about this, know dear dream creator that we have some tips for you to communicate on social networks, and you do not need to be a renowned expert to easily attract new customers.

All the services

Communication agency specializing in tourism, we are the link between tourism professionals and travelers.

Tourism press relations

We help you to be present in the media and the press! Our press relations department supports you in all your missions: press conference, press kit, press releases, etc.