Brand creation & travel visual identity

We support you in the creation or redesign of your brand. Brand platform, discourse platform and visual identity are on the program!


A brand, a product, a company are defined by an identity, values, a history.

This helps consumers to recognize you and become attached to you.
Travel-Insight helps you in your definition thanks to its branding pole in order to differentiate yourself in your market and to develop the commercial image of your brand. Consumers will easily turn to your brand whose reputation they know and with which they will have established a connection, an emotional bond. Branding promotes consumer loyalty.

Our branding center

We intervene to determine your identity and establish it in the collective unconscious by:

Coming to seduce your potential customer

Developing your notoriety

Establishing your image and values

Travel-Insight’s expertise in branding:

  • Market research: We study the environment in which you come to place yourself and identify the differentiation opportunities you have in order to optimally position you for long-term success.
  • Definition of your positioning
  • Definition of your values
  • Brand name definition
  • Definition of your visual identity (logo and graphic charter)
  • Brand strategy: We establish the meaning of your brand – brand & market analysis, innovation workshop & customer tests, brand platform and architecture, brand positioning, branding strategy.
  • Brand identity: We define what will embody your brand promise – Graphic design, naming, packaging, logo, graphic charter, storytelling, key visuals and website are elements that convey your brand identity.
  • Brand activation & communication: We come to tell the story of the brand – 360° global communication, media campaign (print, TV & radio advertising, display), video, brand content, social media, motion design.
  • Brand experience: We share brand culture – employer branding, interior design, events, emotional and experiential marketing, territorial marketing. We create immersive experiences.

Travel-Insight’s creation process

intervenes to determine your identity and establish it in the collective unconscious:


The positioning phase

We come to define your positioning according to your target, the insight, the customer benefit, and your emotional value.


The foundations of your brand

We define the founding pillars of your brand as well as the semiotics around your brand name.



We determine the positioning of your brand on the market, its differences and its raison d’être through the positioning phase to determine the values ​​of your brand, in line with those of your target.


Definition of Brandpulse

The Brandpulse is what makes the heart of your brand beat. We come to frame your brand identity by determining your vocation, your personality, your values ​​and your essence…


Defining your speech platform

It will come to establish the rules of construction of your speeches to make them more harmonious, coherent, powerful and therefore unifying. We determine your tone of voice, your lexical field, the editorial rules, the message and the emotions to convey…


Definition of your visual identity

We define the elements of your identity according to what you want to reflect in your universe and your positioning: the logo, the colors, the typographies, the key visuals, the digital applications, the pictograms.

All the services

Communication agency specializing in tourism, we are the link between tourism professionals and travelers.

Trade Marketing for tourist actors & destinations

We engage producers and distributors by your side in order to sustain your presence on the market with sales and marketing actions!