Content creation for travel

We enhance your brand and your digital communication campaigns with video & photo content that will engage and viralize your speeches!


Inspiration / Realization / Promotion

As a picture is worth a thousand words, we take care to carry out the extension of your digital communication in videos for your company, your product, your event or your destination.


We identify and select with you the best experiences for your image.

Creative brief

We advise you and design with you the brief of your digital communication.


We take care of all the image capture: drone, camera, on-board camera…


We realize for you the montages and the motion design for dynamic videos and in your image!

Some examples of tourism videos produced

They trust us : IFTM, AFTM, TGV, Misterfly, La Française des Circuits …

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Your B2B communication

Our team ensures the videos of your eductours, your professional events, the coverage of your participation in a trade show or even presentation videos of your company and your employees.

Your B2C communication

In order to create experiential content, we are able to design your pellets to animate your social networks, institutional video, long formats or even the videos of your blogtrips.

Travel-Insight’s creation process

Creative Brief

We define the briefs and they produce for you video and photo content for your media library to highlight your brand: Institutional video, mini social media videos, photos for the web, 360° videos, reportage…


We carry out for you all the different image captures (video and photo) of your expertise and your tourist experience.


We highlight all the content with dynamic montages and in compliance with the formats requested for your social networks and media.

Motion design

We carry out for you the insertion and the animation of your texts in order to be able to add an additional qualitative content for the information of your prospects.


We build for you and your needs the content that you can broadcast throughout the year on your communication media.


We support you at home and on the other side of the world to capture the most beautiful experiences you offer.

Production of video content in tourism and travel

What is Brand Content?

For many years, consumers made their purchases mainly by looking at their price. But for some time, this has changed and we have quickly realized that a strategy based exclusively on price is no longer effective enough. We had to think of other arguments to seduce and attract prospects.

This is where brand identity has become important. To promote your brand, brand content is the most effective tool!

As you know, millions of content are published and shared every day, so defining a relevant, coherent and sustainable content strategy in line with the brand’s values ​​is essential.

All the services

Communication agency specializing in tourism, we are the link between tourism professionals and travelers.

Brand creation & travel visual identity

We support you in the creation or redesign of your brand. Brand platform, discourse platform and visual identity are on the program!