SEO Bloggers & Influencers

E-influence mission and ambassador program


Influencer/ Bloggers / Content Creators

Welcome to our inventory page for influencers, bloggers and content creators (photos, videos, SEO) specializing in travel. This database allows us at all times to be able to send you projects and potential collaborations according to the requests that we receive or that we propose to brands in the sector. It is imperative that all the fields of this document be duly completed so that we can quickly access and identify the information that is essential for us to select you.

By completing this document, you grant us rights to the use of your personal data so that we can use them in the activity of our travel blogger and influencer relations service, but also for studies that may appear in the specialized professional press. tourism. You can exercise your right to modify and access data by using our contact form.

Possible missions and collaborations?


Mission to promote a brand or a tourist destination.


Mission to promote a brand or a destination with several bloggers and influencers.

Content creation

Content creation mission: photos, SEO, videos

Conference / Workshops

Professional intervention on a conference or the animation of a workshop.