Brand Content

Capsules of Sologne


The tourist territory of Vendée wishes to develop a digital communication strategy in order to strengthen the notoriety of the destination.

Brief & problematic of the destination

The Sologne brand is jointly owned by the Center – Val de Loire Region and the Departments of Loir-et-Cher and Loiret. Launched in May 2015, the Sologne brand is a territorial brand. It is a common banner, a sign of recognition, a shared language that promotes the consistency of communication actions undertaken by all of the brand’s partners and thereby guarantees the promotion of the territory. It translates the values ​​resulting from the identity of the territory which are expressed via a graphic language (logo, colors, visuals, etc.) and a specific vocabulary (words, expressions, etc.). It allows actors to come together under a shared identity and to communicate in a coordinated way to highlight the territory, the defined positioning and better reach the selected clientele targets. With the Sologne brand, tourism players now benefit from a shared positioning, a guarantee of recognition: “A territory of nature, experience and encounters where it is good to meet and recharge your batteries for a weekend. or a short stay” and a promise: “To live stronger together in the present moment”. In addition to the communication and marketing tools made available to the ambassadors, the Sologne brand must allow the territory’s tourist offers to evolve to enable them to meet the requirements of constantly changing customers.

The brand has therefore launched a call for projects for the production of video capsules: writing the script, scouting, choice and remuneration of extras, negotiation of image rights, production of shots, editing, supply of rushes. The objective is to promote, by means of a series of video clips, the territory of Sologne and the Brand Ambassadors to target customers. These videos, the aim of which is to enhance the beauty of the territory, reveal exceptional panoramas, promote the activities available: outdoor activities, gentle itineraries, themed houses, visits to castles, visits to producers, etc. focus on the welcome services at our ambassadors appreciate local products: cheese, wine, honey… translate the values ​​of the brand

The creative position of the agency

In order to best meet the video needs of the destination, an idea emerges on the discovery of the territory by “the door”:

In the morning, at dawn, nature wakes up: dewdrops on flowers, fluttering insects, and mist… A couple in their thirties wake up in a cabin in the forest, with the first rays of the sun. day. They get up and have breakfast with local products, then go for a walk. At a bend in the path, they see a door, placed in the middle of the road. They open it and cross it. On the other side, castles and various craft houses, they visit, taste, and observe all the little hands of Sologne who are busy. They go from one place to another through different doors. With each new door they cross, they discover a new specialty, or a new magical place… Until the last one, which leads them to a wooden jetty overlooking a Sologne lake at sunset. Grandparents and grandchildren sit there and greet them warmly. The reunited family is smiling and they are hugging each other.”

Travel-Insight’s response to the specifications was clear and precise. The universe of the brand was immediately identified by the agency. The scenarios proposed were for us in line with the brand, its targets and differentiating. References were important to us. In addition, the feeling immediately passed.

Marion Rouillat
Project manager for Sologne

An attractive idea which for its realization required

  • Intervention of the agency as production management (Coordination, recruitment, logistics, etc.)
  • The intervention of a capture team (video, drone)
  • The intervention of an artistic director for the design of the decorative elements of the videos (Realization of the door, decoration…)
  • A team of extras

Marion Rouillat – Project manager for Sologne

We had two main objectives: notoriety and clichés. We wanted to show a true and natural Sologne far from the stereotypes it may have. In addition, we wanted to display it on replay platforms for Paris / Ile de France.

For the brand, we have 2 target customers. Active seniors who come to Sologne with their friends or grandchildren as well as chic-classic Parisian thirtysomethings who come to Sologne for a few days to disconnect from the Parisian hustle and bustle.

Travel-Insight’s response to the specifications was clear and precise. The universe of the brand was immediately identified by the agency. The scenarios proposed were for us in line with the brand, its targets and differentiating. References were important to us. In addition, the feeling immediately passed.

Jours de gestion de projet
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+350 000
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