Press relations

Accompaniment of the tour operator Ze-camping in its press relations

Organization of an interview on France Inter to promote the tour operator Ze-camping to the general public

The brief

Ze-camping, a 100% Camping specialist tour operator founded in 2014 by two enthusiasts, offers a collection of campsites, visited and selected according to their precise quality charter, with latest generation accommodation, and the “Quality and Trust” positioning of Ze-camping. camping serves as a safe bet. The offers are varied, weekend or mid-week stays, in addition to the weekly offer, to better respond to current market trends.

Operating mainly in B2B, Ze-camping also wishes to position itself with the general public to generate reservations directly via its website. It is therefore necessary to communicate with the general media and B2C tourism to increase its notoriety and position itself as a specialist and leading distributor of outdoor accommodation in France.

The response and actions implemented by the agency

To increase the notoriety of Ze-camping, the agency asked its network of journalists to give the floor to Stéphane Michel, associate director and development director of Ze-camping. The result is an interview on France Inter, ranked 1st most listened to radio station in France for 13 years. Recorded on Wednesday 20 April at the Maison de la Radio, the chronicle was broadcast on Sunday 1 May in the Chronique Tourisme by Philippe Lefebvre and relayed on the France Inter website.

  • Sending monthly press releases to increase the notoriety of Ze-camping with B2B, generalist and general tourism media (Biba magazine, Télé 7 jours, etc.)
  • Solicitation and reminders to our network of journalists to generate interest and generate requests for interviews and articles in the media.
  • Organization of an interview with France Inter
  • Accompaniment of the client to the recording and follow-up until the broadcast

Broadcast on Sunday May 1, 2022 on France Inter.

Relay on the France Inter website:

Radio audience: 6,906,000 listeners per day, 1,700,000 on digital media
Cumulative audience share: 12.5%
Market share: 13.9%

3 620 473
Website audience / Nb of visitors per month